How To Successfully Change Your Habits – For Good!

A huge part of the work I do with my clients is to give them the right tools and strategies for habit change.

Personally, I don’t think there are good and bad habits, what there are is habits that are serving you and habits which, right now, are not aligned with the person you want to be. Another thing I would like you to keep in mind is that, many times, we have complex triggers around a habit. For example, if your poor diet habits are rooted in emotional eating you need to address that holistically because you won’t be able to sustain your diet changes until you have worked on your emotions. 

Mana Living founder, Vera Powles, preparing a salad

Habits will look very different from person to person but one thing they all have in common is:

  • It all starts with a reminder or cue (for example, you wake up and walk to the bathroom)

  • Then comes the routine/action or response (all names for the same thing) to that cue (for example, you brush your teeth)

  • And finally we have the reward (in this case, you have a clean mouth)

What research shows is that if one of these fails, you cannot build a habit. If you want to change a current habit you need to be aware of the response but also the cue. Otherwise, if the habit remains mindless we have no chance at changing it.

To Change Habits You Need To:

  1. Focus on changing the right thing

    • focus on small, manageable changes and grow your habit from there.

    • you will more easily stick with a new habit if the change is sustainable

    • spend more time on your strategy than on your intention

  2. Implement the right strategy for your bioindividuality and lifestyle

    • have a concrete plan of action and decide where and when you will perform that habit

    • change your environment in a way that support the habits you want to establish

    • pair your new habit with a part of your routine that is already well established

These are just some of the ways I work with m clients to make sure they are successful at changing their habits. If you think I can help you on your health journey, email me!

In love and gratitude, always

Vera x


Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Chai Biscuits (ve, gf)


Mince Pies (ve, gf, refined-sugar free)