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Find strength on the mat, to find calm in life

I’m a 200hr Yoga Alliance accredited vinyasa yoga teacher since 2022 and have been practicing for over 13 years. I’m based in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, in the North East of England, and my classes combine creative, fluid movement and yoga philosophy applied to modern living.

My teaching is grounded on the knowledge that our health goes beyond how we eat, move and sleep. Yoga gave me awareness for transformation and was the driving force behind my journey to heal a broken spirit. I’m passionate about empowering my students to discover physical and mental wellbeing and finding personal growth by taking yoga off the mat and into their lives.

I believe in a practice that strengthens the body, quiets the mind and heals the soul.

*Please read the FAQ section at the end of this page for useful information regarding classes.


“Vera’s classes are that perfect balance between creativity and simplicity. Her flows are so fluid you end up appreciating transitions as much as the poses themselves. She is very supportive and deeply knowledgeable about the practice. What I love the most is the way she shows her students how to take yoga off the mat and into their lives.”

Tereza D.


  • Unless specified, classes are open to students of all levels however may not be appropriate if this is your first ever class. During the class I’ll support beginners with modifications adapted to their practice and suggest variations for those already familiar with vinyasa classes.

    We have blocks and straps which students can use to support their alignment. If you’re a complete beginner you might want to consider joining a beginners course when these become available.

    Expect a class that strengthens the body and inspires you to take yoga off the mat.

  • We provide yoga mats and props.

    Our mats at Sunday Slow Flow + Sound (Full Circle Brew co.) have excellent grip and are eco-conscious. They are made in Edinburgh and are biodegradable (0% single plastic use), plant based, vegan and made with hessian and natural rubber. Therefore they’re not recommended for students with a rubber or latex allergy.

    The mats at Body & Soul Flow (Karma Collective) are Lululemon and also excellent. You’re more than welcome to bring your own mat of course. We recommend that you bring a water bottle.

  • We will not be able to make specific recommendations based on your injury. This is because we don’t have medical knowledge or a knowledge of your medical history. If you have an injury we recommend that you discuss with your doctor if a yoga practice is safe for you. If you have been given the “all-clear” from your doctor we’ll ask that you respect your body and take any modifications you need to be comfortable and free from pain.
    Pregnant ladies who already have a yoga practice are welcome as long as they have not been advised otherwise by their doctor / midwife and they are comfortable within their own practice for the stage of the pregnancy they are at (e.g. undergone a yoga in pregnancy course). Ladies without a previous vinyasa practice should refrain from starting to practice during pregnancy. If you’re unsure, always speak to your doctor first.