I’m passionate about helping you achieve lasting changes and feel your absolute best.

Hi, there!

My name is Vera Powles and, for the last 11 years, I’ve been working in the field of healthcare and wellness. After studying Biomedical Sciences and working in clinical diagnosis for a couple of years in Lisbon, I moved to the UK after being offered a scholarship to do a Masters in Molecular Medicine. My interest in DNA repair grew quickly as I became aware of the impact our lifestyle choices had on our propensity to develop chronic diseases. This changed forever the way I perceived my health.

I had always been health conscious; I ate plenty of vegetables, had a habit of working out and a regular bedtime. So why didn’t I feel healthy?

It took a big awakening at a crucial moment in my life to make me realise that our health is more than the food we eat, how much we exercise and how well we sleep. I was consumed by anger, resentment and sadness caused by years of trauma and abuse. My body was healthy but my soul wasn’t at peace and, through my earlier work and studies, I knew that it wouldn’t be long until this started affecting my physical health too.

My personal development work inspired me to learn more about holistic health and, in 2018, become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Mana Living was born. To offer to my clients an experience as transformative as the one I had been through and, backed by my scientific background, I developed the 6 Pillars of Wellness Framework which includes diet, exercise, sleep, stress, emotions and spirituality. This is still the basis behind my coaching programmes and, together with habit and behaviour change, the message of my book “Live Well”.

Through my health coaching practice, I realised that many of the lifestyle concerns my clients had stemmed from emotional issues. That’s why in 2021, I became a Women’s Sharing Circles Leader - to further support women of all ages and backgrounds in their emotional health and healing. This has also made me a better listener and a more compassionate person.

The year after I became a vinyasa yoga teacher - I had been practicing yoga for 10 years at this point and the yoga philosophy was very ingrained in my life as well a driving force during my healing journey. Yoga is one of the most life-changing practices for your body and soul and its teachings are the backbone of sustainable, lasting change. My yoga classes focus on building strength whilst calming the mind so you can feel stronger physically and mentally.

My desire for providing one single platform where I could share all of knowledge across different areas of wellbeing led me to the creation of the Live Beautifully membership which is updated weekly with content created both by myself as well as guest experts in different fields.

My aim is to share the Mana Living lifestyle with anyone ready to step into a new way of living. To help you find freedom in your choices whilst feeling good about yourself.

An empowered way of living, with a sense of balance, increased vitality and a healthier way of life awaits you.

In love and gratitude, always

Vera x


The Mana Living Values

  • Our method goes beyond the surface level. We spent years developing the Six Pillars of Wellness framework to support your health from the inside out.

  • No fads or trends, we cut through the noise to bring you only the lifestyle changes that have a proven impact on your health.

  • We believe in sustainable change. A full non-restrictive, effortless lifestyle overhaul that you can keep forever. We’ll work as much in your habits systems as we will in your diet or exercise.


We can help.

Feel amazing, Inside and Out

With the Six Pillars of Wellness framework, nourishment goes beyond what you eat. Our plant-based, nutritionally balanced recipes, yoga classes and sleep tips will have you in best shape of your life. Calm the mind, ease stress, transform your wounds into wisdom and break toxic cycles that no longer serve you through meditation, breathwork and soundbaths.

Level Up Your Routine

Discover the Mana Living Mindset and create a lifestyle that supports your health. build sustainable habits that last through science-backed habit change strategies. Access full meal prep plans, helpful trackers and practical suggestions. You’ll ditch the “all-or-nothing” mentality and finally achieve the state of balance you’ve been seeking for so long.

Transformation, For Everyone

Wherever you are on your wellness journey, we can help. Discover yoga classes for beginners as well as more advanced levels, learn how to get started with meditation or strengthen your current practice. Learn strategies to eat well, sleep better, cope with stress, navigate your emotions and tap into your spirituality and sense of belonging.